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A place to visit, a place to live, and a place to call home...

Located in Chickasaw County, Fredericksburg is within miles of several major highways. Fredericksburg is a prime location for your business or family. With U.S. Hwy 18 serving as it's Main Street, it's just 40 miles north of Waterloo, IA, 90 miles south of Rochester, MN and 60 miles west of the Mississippi River. 



C O M I N G   U P !


Saturday, March 8 | 9 am - 2 pm

Fredericksburg Community Center

Come join us for a fun craft & vendor show to benefit the Upham Memorial Library!!
We'll have STRKR BBQ food truck available to eat at just outside, as well as over 30 vendors! Please come out & support our local library!
  • Pining 4 You

  • Sabrina's Designs

  • Love Shaq Gifts

  • Brickyard Wines

  • Tupperware

  • Rainee Mae Creations

  • Bloom with Micki

  • Brightside Fizz Bombs

  • Dear Penquin

  • BT Kitchen Supplies

  • Relay 4 Life

  • Scentsy

  • Mystic Pathways

  • TK Crystal's

  • Jennings Winery

  • Winneshiek Wildberry Wine

  • Otts Woodworking

  • Reclaimed Thrift Store

  • Cute & Chronic Clara

  • Mary Kay



Mondays & Wednesdays 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Any students grades 3-6th are welcome to join the youth pickleball league, started by Dixie Wakeman. A parent contact MUST be made before playing. A text will be sent out before playing to let everyone know if there are enough people available to play that day.
Contact City Hall or Dixie Wakeman to be placed on the list!

Do not push, blow, or shovel snow into the street. This creates a safety hazard.

Remember to remove all vehicles from the street when there is snow in the forecast so our crew can keep the streets cleared.

Keep sidewalks clear of snow.

Please clean a spot for your garbage and recycling totes. Do not set them in a snowbank or on the street.




We've had several complaints about dog waste being left along the Plum Creek Trail.

Please remember that you are required by City Ordinance 55.15 to pick up after your dog!
Let's all do our part to keep this community a clean and beautiful place to live!

We welcome your comments and feedback about our website!
Click here to send us your comments

© 2012- City of Fredericksburg, Iowa.   Site designed and hosted by Web Design by Duhrkopf